Accreditation You Can Trust

Diamond Certified Jewelry in Falls Church

Dominion Jewelers offers an extensive selection of laboratory certified diamonds under GIA, AGS or EGL.

Accreditation You Can Trust

Diamond Certified Jewelry in Falls Church

Dominion Jewelers offers an extensive selection of laboratory certified diamonds under GIA, AGS or EGL.

Address 917 West Broad Street, Falls Church VA 22046


Jewelry 101

Diamond Certification

At Dominion Jewelers, we only carry certified diamonds that have passed an independent laboratory certification process. Because certification impacts the value of your jewelry, it's important to ensure that you are receiving the quality you pay for when choosing an engagement ring, earrings, or any other piece of diamond jewelry.

Our diamonds have been analyzed and certified by the most reputable industry labs, including the Gemological Institute of America (GIA), the American Gem Society (AGS), and the European Gemological Laboratory (EGL).

Jewelry 101

How Diamond Certification Works

Diamond certification is not an exact science. The certification process is a result of an industry-wide effort to unify grading standards to protect both consumers and merchants. While the general parameters are standardized, each lab has a slightly different approach and one even has its own certification scale for diamonds.

The AGS analyzes each stone to reach a numerical grade from zero to ten and tends to be the convention for colored stone certification. GIA and EGL are the two major diamond certification labs and those stones are certified based on the convention for diamond grading and certification—the 4’s “C’s”—color, cut, clarity, and carat weight.

Where the GIA tends to take a more stringent approach for diamond grading, there are simply more EGL-certified diamonds available; this difference tends to be reflected in the cost of a stone. Most labs have stones inspected by more than one gemologist to ensure grading reliability.

Jewelry 101

The Certification Report

When you purchase a certified diamond, you will receive a comprehensive report from the diamond-certifying laboratory. This document includes basic information about the cut, color, and clarity of your diamond along with the stone's measurements and carat weight.

It has a detailed illustration that maps out any “inclusions,” or flaws, in your diamond. The report also includes details about the stone's shape, fluorescence, polish, and symmetry—all factors that influence a diamond’s overall value.

Jewelry 101

The Importance Of Certification

Purchasing a diamond with a report from a reputable certification lab like the GIA, EGL, or AGS ensures an unbiased determination of your stone’s properties. The grading report provides official documentation of the diamond's value. Because purchasing a diamond is an investment, it is important to protect yourself against loss, damage, or theft by ensuring your stone.

In fact, Dominion Jewelers encourages clients to begin this process before the piece of jewelry is even finished so that it’s insured when you walk out of our front doors and there is no lapse in coverage. In order to get a diamond insured, you will need to send the certification report to your insurance company because it serves as “proof” of your stone’s value.

Additionally, without a certification report, you could be overpaying for a diamond that is lower quality than advertised, or even lab-grown rather than naturally mined.

When you visit the Falls Church location of Dominion Jewelers, you can browse a diverse selection of heirloom-quality diamond jewelry. Each diamond has a certification report, so you can be assured that your diamond meets the industry's standards for quality and value.